Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Schisandra Chinensis
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Panax Ginseng (Asian Ginseng)
Monday, May 14, 2012
What are Adaptogens?
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Weight Loss Part 4 - Hormones, Hormones, Hormones
We’ve come to the final part of our weight loss series, and if you’ve been following along, you may have come to realize that hormones play an integral role in our ability to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. I’ll recap some of the hormones I’ve already mentioned and I’ll introduce some others. Like it or not, they have some control over our weight. Let’s get started with the new introductions.
The Thyroid
The thyroid is the master gland of metabolism. This gland and the hormones it produces decide how high our fat-burning engines run. When regulation of this gland is imbalanced losing weight can be difficult. Most people who are familiar with the thyroid are probably all too familiar with iodine. This element is important to the thyroid because it is a major component of thyroid hormone. But the thyroid doesn’t exist in a vacuum within our bodies. It isn’t completely isolated running on its own systems. Its function is dependent upon the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. After thyroid hormones are released into the blood stream, our cells’ ability to use that hormone is dependent upon enzymes, some of which are influenced by the liver. You really can’t expect dramatic changes if you ignore all those other body systems. Bottom line – iodine doesn’t really do anything for those other body systems. First and foremost, we need to make sure that the hypothalamus and the pituitary are communicating with the thyroid. If the pituitary never tells the thyroid to make and release hormone, it never will. Adaptogens like Ashwagandha do a good job making sure those lines of communication are open and running smoothly. In order for the body to utilize the hormones produced by the thyroid, they must first be converted to a usable form. Think of the process of refining oil into gasoline. What the thyroid releases is a rough, crude form of thyroid hormone. Before it can be taken up by the cells and boost metabolism, it must first go through a refining process in the liver. Therefore, a healthy liver is quite important to a healthy thyroid. Many of us have tried severe calorie-restricted diets to lose weight; however, what many of us don’t realize is that these starvation diets can be counter-productive to lasting weight loss. Starvation, or large restrictions of calories, triggers a decrease in thyroid function and metabolism. This decrease actually leads to your body storing more calories as fat and burning muscle tissue for energy.
“Estrogen” actually refers to a group of hormones, not just a single hormone. Normally, estrogen is balanced with progesterone, the other primary female sex hormone. At times, the balance can be tipped by an overabundance of estrogen, known as “estrogen dominance”. This can occur from excess estrogen production in the body, HRT, or an intake of estrogen-mimics from the environment. Weight gain can be an effect of estrogen dominance. Our own fat cells produce estrogen, and the more fat cells we have, the more estrogen we create. The more estrogen we create, the more fatty tissue we create. See the cycle? There are ways to reduce exposure to environmental estrogens – like eating organically grown produce or eating hormone-free meat, avoiding plastics with BPA and avoiding body care products that contain phthalates. You can also use certain supplements that contain a broccoli-derived ingredient called Indolplex©, which can change your ratio of good to bad estrogens.
Weight gain and weight loss isn’t just a girl’s issue! A loss in testosterone for men equals abdominal fat. As men age, testosterone levels decline and this causes levels of estrogen and insulin to rise. (Oh yes, boys, you too make estrogen!) This happens because aging men convert a lot of their testosterone into estradiol – a type of estrogen; the rest of the testosterone is bound to a protein and not biologically active. These two things lower a man’s free testosterone. The lower a man’s free testosterone levels, the higher the ratio of estrogen and insulin – and voila! A pudgy midsection is born! Men can have their levels of testosterone tested by a healthcare practitioner and there are replacement therapies for that. The supplement I mentioned for estrogen can also have benefits in men by balancing the ratio of testosterone to estrogen.
Insulin is a hormone and its main job in the body is to drive glucose into muscle tissue and into fat cells for storage. The problem with insulin lies within the cells’ ability to use it. The decreased ability of some cells to use insulin is called “insulin resistance”. When the cells don’t allow insulin to open the door for glucose uptake, blood sugar levels remain high and the body releases more insulin. This elevated level of insulin makes it difficult for the body to use stored fat as energy. The way to overcome these issues is two-fold. Most importantly is a change in diet. Reduce the amount of sugars and simple carbs (think processed foods) and increase complex carbs (think raw veggies, whole grains, i.e. – fiber). Secondly, make sure you are getting sufficient amounts of minerals such as chromium, which helps the body use insulin.
Aahhh…our beloved stress hormone. Remember that cortisol increases appetite and increases blood sugar levels. On top of that, elevated cortisol levels block the use of thyroid hormone by the cells (and testosterone too!). For any weight loss program to be successful, we have to address the stress response. How do we do that? ADAPTOGENS. Rhodiola rosea and Panax ginseng are good adaptogen choices.
I hope that I’ve provided you with some usable information. A weight loss plan is personal and unique. There isn’t one diet plan that will work for everyone. Adding just a few supplements to support your unique needs may be all you need to get over that plateau and on your way to a healthy weight.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Healthy Weight Loss Part 3 - Emotional Eating
Ever drown your sorrows in nice big bowl of ice cream, or over a plate of chocolaty brownies? I have. I think a lot of us have. There’s nothing wrong with turning to a comforting indulgence every once in a while to cope with a bad day. And there’s a biological explanation for why it really does help us feel better. Sugary foods like chocolate stimulate the release of endorphins. These are hormones that have a lot of effects in the body. One of them is to exert a pain-killing and relaxing effect on the body. Eating these foods also creates an excess amount of serotonin in the brain. This all leads us to feeling good, relaxed and maybe a little sleepy. Not a bad thing on occasion. Problems arise when the occasional turns into the habitual and we begin to use food as a coping mechanism for the bad times and a reward for every good achievement; when we eat for reasons other than hunger.
There are absolutely physical components that are involved in food cravings – particularly cravings for sugar and carbohydrate-laden foods. I covered this issue specifically in a previous blog, “Fight Your Sugar Cravings”. Part 3 of our weight loss feature is going to focus on the emotional and mental component of eating. We eat for so many different reasons and not all of them are related to actually being hungry or needing to give our bodies some nutrition. Sometimes we eat when we are bored; sometimes we eat as a distraction; we eat when we are nervous, stressed, sad, happy…the list goes on and on. Eating for emotional reasons will sabotage weight loss efforts and can lead to an unwelcomed cycle. The act of eating is just a quick fix. Regardless of the emotion that is driving the urge to eat, it will return and in addition to that emotion could be feelings of guilt about the setback – and the cycle begins. Your emotions drive you to eat; you beat yourself up because of getting off track; you feel terrible about your choices; you overeat again. There are things you can do to put a stop to this cycle. If you’ve been following our blog, you might start to see some recurring themes…
1. Get stress under control. In our previous blog, I talked about the reasons why stress has a negative impact on healthy weight management and the power of adaptogen herbs. There are adaptogens – such as Schisandra and Holy Basil that have an emotional component to them. These adaptogens can elevate your spirit and increase your resistance to emotional stress and give you a platform for building emotional strength.
2. Stop and check your hunger. Are you really hungry? If you just ate an hour ago and your stomach isn’t growling, then your craving probably isn’t based on a need for nutrition. Take a deep breath and give it a little time to pass.
3. Write it down. Keep a food journal and over time, you might see some patterns emerge that can help you recognize what you eat, when you eat and why.
4. Keep yourself busy. Many of us eat when we are bored. It’s just something to do to pass the time. Get up. Take your dog for a walk. Clean your house. Do whatever you need to do to get moving.
5. Eat regular, well-balanced meals with variety. Eat – do not starve yourself. Limiting your calories too much will just increase your cravings – especially your emotionally charged cravings. Don’t eat the same things every day. Mix it up and keep it fresh.
6. Don’t keep a secret stash. C’mon…admit it. You have one. It’s garbage. Put it where it belongs and throw it away! Clean out your pantry! Why tempt yourself with the foods you are trying to avoid? Replace it with fresh fruits, raw nuts and seeds.
It seems so easy as I type it (and probably as you read it). I said before that there is a biological reason why eating food helps us feel better. The more we cycle through the patterns for emotional eating, the stronger those urges become. Consider using a mood support formula to give you nutrients for healthy brain function and healthy neurotransmitter levels. A blend of B vitamins, amino acids and adaptogens can go a long way to help you gain control again.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Healthy Weight Loss Part 2 - Energy & Stress
- I'm going to say that evil word - EXERCISE. Exercise is the best way to relieve stress. I know; I know...you don't have the energy to exercise. I'll get to that, but first let me just plant that word in your head - "exercise". It makes perfect sense that exercise would help relieve stress. When you're stressed, don't you have this overwhelming urge to move? To just move something? Your hands; your arms - whatever - that is supposed to happen. Remember? Fight or Flight. Yes, exercise will burn calories, but it will also release biochemicals that can counter the negative effects of those stress hormones. You don't have to work out for 2 hours a day to reap the benefits of exercise. It could be just 20 minutes a day. You can find 20 minutes. (I shoveled by driveway today for 30 minutes - exercise accomplished.)
- Take adaptogens or a blend of them. Adaptogens are incredible plants (or fungi) that modulate our stress response. They help our brains and bodies deal with stress. Remember when I said that our brains and bodies don't know we didn't run for our lives? Well, adaptogens help our brains realize that we didn't run for our lives and they adjust hormonal output accordingly. Taking adaptogens, such as Rhodiola rosea, Panax ginseng, and Cordyceps sinensis daily can help to normalize cortisol levels; boost immune system function; improve sleep quality, and oh yeah - they give you energy! The stamina and endurance kind of energy. The "I can get up and walk for 20 minutes" kind of energy. The "I don't need to go to Starbucks" kind of energy. Adaptogens aren't stimulants, so they don't push your central nervous system beyond its limits. They don't cause a crash. They help you maintain your energy levels throughout the day and give a good sense of well-being.
- Get a good night's sleep. Sleep is so important to stress-control. A lack of sleep will elevate your cortisol levels. Can't get a good night's sleep? Adaptogens will help with that.
- Relax. Make time to relax. Doesn't matter what it is - whatever makes you feel calm. Devote that time to yourself. Every day.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Realistic Weight Loss and Weight Management - Part 1
Weight loss and weight management are struggles for millions of Americans. We are inundated with images in print, commercials, billboards, emails and pop-up ads on the next latest and greatest weight loss miracle. The simple fact is that there is no miracle. There is no magic bullet, magic pill, magic shake, magic whatever that will “melt” off pounds of fat and keep them off. First and foremost, the goal of weight loss should be about health. We are all aware of the dangers of being overweight – higher risk of poor heart health; higher risk of diabetes, cancer; and on and on. We need to realize and accept that people come in all shapes and body types. Not all of us are meant to be stick-thin. Some of us are meant to have curves; some of us are meant to be more muscular. We need to work within our own unique frames to achieve a realistic healthy weight. Healthy weight loss and healthy weight management takes work – it takes a lifestyle change. A healthy, balanced diet, exercise and stress management are the keys to maintaining a healthy weight.
Eating healthy doesn’t necessarily mean completely overhauling your diet in one day. For any diet change to be successful, it needs to be realistic. The ultimate positive impact comes only if you can commit to the changes. It’s ok if you make changes to your diet gradually, over time. But before you should make any changes, you should know what you need to change. You need to know where to start. So many of us lead incredibly busy, stressful lives and some of us honestly don’t know what we put into our bodies in a single day. We’re in a hurry. We grab whatever we can and wolf it down. Jot down everything you eat and everything you drink for 4 or 5 days. Be honest with yourself. If you run to Starbucks three times in one day, write it down. Somewhere in those days, you will find something you can and should change. I gave that Starbucks example because I’ve done that. I love me some Starbucks! My goal for the month of January is to not completely eliminate my grande vanilla latte ritual, but to reduce to once a week. That will save me (dare I say?) 1500 calories per week. 1500 calories!!! That’s an entire day’s worth of calories from one simple change!
OK. So you know where you can start, but where to go from there? There are many, many well-balanced diet guides out there, and I’m not here to endorse or recommend just one of them. But here’s what I will tell you:
1. Stay away from fast food and processed foods as much as you can. Eliminate the junk! There is nothing nutritious about these types of foods and they don’t belong in anyone’s diet.
2. Do not starve yourself. Eating 500 calories a day is not only incredibly unhealthy, it will likely lead to your body consuming its own muscle tissue, which will lead to WEIGHT GAIN in the end.
3. Eat fresh fruits and veggies. Incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into your daily diet is important for many reasons. They are nutrient-dense foods. This means that they pack a ton of nutrition in a very small calorie package. That 5 oz tub of spring mix in the store – that’s ONE SERVING! They are a good source of fiber – which helps keep you feeling full.
4. Trade refined grains for whole grains. Whole grains offer more complete nutrition and added fiber. They also have a lower impact on blood sugar levels.
5. Eat fat –the right fat. Don’t be fat phobic. Our bodies need fat. You just need to eat the right kind of fat, such as the omega-3 fats found in cold water fish and the type of saturated fats found in coconuts. I’m not saying you should start cooking in lard, but don’t avoid high-fat foods simply because they are high in fat.
Weight loss and weight management has been and always will be more about what you put into your body. You must use more calories during the day than what you put in. It will be easier for you to cut calories if your daily diet focuses on fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains – as these foods are nutrient-dense and low in calories. This allows you to eat a bigger portion of them without adding a tremendous amount to your overall daily calorie intake.